
Silly UFO Nonsense. These archives contain a great many files on flying saucers, government conspiracies, alien abductions... you know the story; you want to believe!

* UFONET.ZIP Complete listing of [[UFONET I]] Files
* UFONET.ZIP Sysops Guide & Complete File Listing
* BELIEFS.UFO Beliefs of UFOlogists surveyed
* ORGAN1.UFO UFO Groups and Organizations - 1
* ORGAN2.UFO UFO Groups and Organizations - 2
* ORGAN3.UFO UFO Groups and Organizations - 3
* HYNEK.UFO The Allen Hynek UFO rating system
* BLUEPEAC.ZIP 'Bluepeace' wants Congressional Hearing
* MOORLIST.UFO List of publications from W.L. Moore
* FUFOR.ORD UFO books available from FUFOR
* UFOWATCH.ZIP National UFO Reporting Center - Seattle
* APROBYE.ZIP Aerial Phenomena Research Org. folds
* MUFON87.UFO Analysis of MUFON '87 Conference
* KLASSASU.UFO Debunker Klass speaks at Arizona U
* ALVAOBIT.UFO Obituary for L.W. Alvarez - SEP/88
* LONGISLE.ZIP Synopsis of NY UFO symposium - MAR/88
* GALLUP.UFO Only 1/3 deny existence of UFOs in poll
* TVPROG.ZIP High hopes given for 'UFO Coverup LIVE'
* TIMES.UFO NYT and 'the urge to believe' - JUN/86
* KFYI.UFO Speiser and Hall on KFYI Radio - AUG/88
* A3MOVIE.ZIP Info on 'Alternative 3' TV movie
* UFOPRESS.ZIP 'UFOs and the Press' - by J. Speiser
* UFOPRESS.THD JFORUM UFO poll on Compuserve
* STEALTH.ZIP AP: 'Stealth fighter' crashes at Nellis
* HILLENKO.UFO UFOs are 'serious business' - NYT 1960
* FELOSHIP.REV Review and Synopsis of 'The Fellowship'
* HALL.REV Review of Hall's 'Uninvited Guests'
* LYEARS.ZIP 'Light Years' reviewed by Gary Kinder
* SFEMEIER.UFO San Francisco Examiner on Billy Meier
* MEIRFLM.ZIP Speiser reviews Billy Meier films
* UFOBOOKS.ZIP Huge list of UFO related books -Stewart
* DBWBOOKS.UFO List of UFO Books by D.B. Wedge
* INTRUDER.REV Review of Budd Hopkins 'Intruders'
* BOOKREVI.ZIP J. White reviews 'Dimensions' by Vallee
* JUNGSUFO.ZIP Summary of C.G. Jung's 1958 UFO book
* WALTON.THD Reaction to Phil Klass 'abduction' book
* UFO8.DBT 'The UFO 40 Years On' by J. Aultman
* COMUFO2.ASC User comments from recent BBS Survey
* SNOBS.UFO Speiser editorial 'The Snobs Among Us'
* LIGHT.ZIP Don Ecker reviews the situation
* MARGE.UFO Marge Christensen comments on MUFON
* DEBUNK.ZIP 'My Brother the Debunker' - Frazier
* DELLA.UFO Bentwaters 1980 & more - R. Dell'Aquila
* RHODBT1.UFO UFO debate on Idaho BBS - 1
* RHODBT2.UFO UFO debate on Idaho BBS - 2
* BSMITH.ZIP Thoughts on one person's UFO experience
* WHITE.UFO White responds to 'Explanatory Hypoth.'
* LIGHTS.THD Thread on role of UFO lights and colour
* MOONDUST.ZIP Just CAUS article on Project Moondust
* STEALTH.THD CIS thread on Stealth technology
* TRUCE.ZIP 'Science vs. Spirit' by Jim Speiser
* SIXTY1MO.THS 'A Revival of the 61-Month Wave Theory'
* SWAMPGAS.ZIP In depth Swampgas-UFO lights analysis
* WAREUFO.ZIP AP: Don Ware and govt UFO secrecy
* ANTIGRAV.ZIP UK Scientists look for Anti-grav Force
* GRAVITY.ZIP Anti-gravity already discovered?
* CONDON.UFO 1969 Condon Report not convincing
* BAYES.ZIP How we can better analyze UFOs - Badger
* BAYES2.ZIP More on the use of Bayesian Analysis
* DEBATE.ZIP Series of brief User articles on UFOs
* AUSSIE.UFO AP: Aussie UFO 'picks up car' - JAN/88
* AUSTRLIA.UFO CBS Radio: More on Australian UFO
* ZIMUFO.ZIP Jets scrambled for Zimbabwe UFO - 1985
* AMST.HOA AP: Amsterdam UFO hoax
* TELAVIV.UFO UFO in skies of Tel Aviv - AUG/88
* QATAR.UFO UFO reported over Persian Gulf - FEB/88
* FENWICK1.ZIP Mickus interviews UFOlogist Fenwick - 1
* FENWICK2.ZIP Mickus interviews UFOlogist Fenwick - 2
* FENWICK.ZIP Mickus interviews UFOlogist L. Fenwick
* TORMEFEN.RES Tracy Torme responds to Fenwick and GB
* CUFAPR88.ZIP Excerpts from 'CUFORN Bulletin' -APR/88
* CUFORN.ZIP Canadian UFO Research Organization
* KINGSTON.UFO Short history of UFOs in Kingston ON
* MANITOBA.UFO 'UFO Blitz' on in Manitoba - JAN/88
* FYFFEALA.UFO UFO Sightings Fyffe, Alabama - FEB/89
* FYFFE2.UFO AP: News release on Fyffe UFO - MAR/89
* FYFFE3.UFO Fyffe UFO Witnesses Inteviewed by TV
* WSTCH.UFO Westchester County NY UFO - MAR/88
* WESTPA.UFO Unexplained UFO sightings in PA -NOV/87
* WYTHE.UFO Wytheville VA sighting
* GORDON.UFO Wytheville Virginia UFO sighting OCT/87
* GORDON2.UFO Wytheville VA UFO sightings - DEC/87
* REP2.UFO Some new UFO sightings - JUL/88
* RCHESTER.UFO Sighting in Webster NY in 1981
* JESSUFO.ZIP UFO sighting in Jessup Georgia
* SATURN4B.UFO Sighting during Saturn 4B firing in 60s
* LOSANG.ZIP Memo to Roosevelt over LA UFOs - FEB/42
* XUFO.ZIP AP: UFO sightings in California -MAY/86
* IDAHO.UFO Idaho UFO report - APR/88
* MIDWEST.UFO AP: CCCP Rocket Reentry Confused as UFO
* NORWALK3.UFO Norwalk sighting probably a star MAY/87
* LUCEDALE.UFO UFO sighting near Lucedale, MS - DEC/88
* PLANES.ZIP 1940s Grumman Avenger found at Key West
* KIRTLND1.DOC 1980 Kirtland AFB UFO sighting - 1
* KIRTLND2.DOC 1980 Kirtland AFB UFO sighting - 2
* OGRE.DOC Flashing light identified as satellite
* EMP.UFO Link between MD Sightings and EMP test?
* CTFLASH.UFO AP: Blue flash in sky - NOV/87
* AVENGER.UFO 5 Navy TBM Navy Avengers lost in DEC/45
* BELLEVIL.UFO Belleville Wisconsin UFO - MAR/87
* DS.UFO Box shaped UFO near Edwards AFB -MAR/88
* CO1115.CIS Conference focused on JAL UFO Sighting
* USSR.SAT Soviet space debris lights up night sky
* UFO.STR Late 1986 - early 1987 UFO sightings
* GIRLS.UFO Campers view green alien in WA - JUN/88
* BOYS.UFO UFO sighting from WA Naval Base -AUG/87
* LAKEERIE.UFO 'N.E. Ohio Flap' by Richard Dell'Aquila
* ERIE1.ZIP UFO Sightings near Perry Nuclear Plant
* ERIE2.ZIP 'Venus' blamed - Cleveland Plain Dealer
* ERIE3.ZIP 'Planets' the culprit - The News-Herald
* ERIE4.ZIP Lake Erie Coastguard Report on UFOs - 1
* ERIE5.ZIP Lake Erie Coastguard Report on UFOs - 2
* ERIE6.ZIP Black Helicopter makes an appearance
* LETRANSC.UFO Lake Erie Photographer Interview MAR/88
* ERIEDB.UFO Freenet Lake Erie UFO debate
* LEINTERV.UFO Interview of Lake Erie UFO witnesses
* LEDEBAT1.UFO Freenet debate on Lake Erie UFO - 1
* LEDEBAT2.UFO Freenet debate on Lake Erie UFO - 2
* LEDEBAT3.UFO Freenet debate on Lake Erie UFO - 3
* ALKI.ZIP West Seattle UFO Sighting - MAR/88
* SEATTLE.UFO UFO Report on Seattle sighting - MAR/88
* WSEATTL2.UFO Seattle sighting MAR/88 - Witness #2
* CHRON88.UFO WA State UFO reports JAN-APR/88
* CHRON87.UFO WA State UFO reports AUG-SEP/87
* OAK.ZIP Oak Harbour, WA UFO Sighting - JAN/88
* WITDBEY.UFO Whidbey Island UFO sighting - JAN/88
* NIGHT.ZIP Night Seige Update by Phil Imbrogno
* HUDSON.ZIP Alien 'abductions' in Hudson Valley?
* HVUFO.THD Imbrogno responds to HV UFO questions
* CLOSE.ZIP HV UFO close encounters on I-84
* JPL.UFO JPL looks at HV UFO videotape - DEC/87
* IMBROGNO.CO Conference with author of 'Night Siege'
* BIRDSLL1.UFO Disinformation rampant - Jerry Birdsall
* BIRDSLL2.UFO Imbrogno responds to Birdsall
* VIGIL.ZIP NY vigil for 'Big Bertha' - NOV/88
* FLYBOYS.UFO Ultralights try emulating UFO - MAR/88
* ABDUCT1.UFO Abduction in NY Hudson Valley - JUN/88
* ABDUCT2.UFO Hudson Valley abductions by P. Imbrogno
* GULF1.UFO 'Mr. Ed' describes his sighting -NOV/88
* EDWARECO.CIS Conference with Don Ware and 'Mr. Ed'
* CO306.CIS Conference on the Gulf Breeze sightings
* GULFBRZ1.UFO UPI: Gulf Breeze attracts UFO groups
* GULFBRZ3.UFO Is Gulf Breeze UFO a hoax? - MAY/88
* CAUSEDIT.GB CAUS editorial on Gulf Breeze - AUG/88
* GULFLET.UFO Oechsler responds to criticism -MAY/88
* CO327.UFO Conference dealing once more with GB
* GULFHOAX.ZIP GB a Hoax? Summary from R.Boyd -MAY/88
* YEAR.GB Three articles from the GB Sentinel
* CUFOS.GB CUFOS postion of Gulf Breeze situation
* GB89JA30.ZIP UFO experts debate photo authenticity
* CUFON1.ZIP FOIA Documents on UFOs # 01-09 - CUFON
* CUFON2.ZIP FOIA Documents on UFOs # 10-19 - CUFON
* CUFON3.ZIP FOIA Documents on UFOs # 20-29 - CUFON
* CUFON4.ZIP FOIA Documents on UFOs # 30-39 - CUFON
* CUFON5.ZIP FOIA Documents on UFOs # 40-50 - CUFON
* FOIA.ZIP Huge listing of UFO FOIA docs - CUFON
* CR44DOX.ZIP FOIA doc on alleged govt UFO Projects
* NSA.UFO From FOIA one NSA analysts view of UFOs
* GOLDLTRS.DOC Barry Goldwater letters on UFOs - CUFON
* UNKNOWN.ZIP Old news from CUFON
* FORGOT.UFO Memorable quotes about UFOs
* TIDBITS.SS Moseley gets bad rap in Steinman book
* RAVINGS.SS Miscellaneous ravings from Saucer Smear
* LETTERS.SS Letters to Saucer Smear
* TRUCE.UFO Don Ecker calls for a UFOlogist truce
* ARTICLE.ZIP JUL/86 article on Jim Speisers Network
* REICH.UFO Wilhelm Reich and UFOs
* UFOMAGDE.ZIP Brief listing of DEC/88 UFO Magazine
* MJ12.SS Moseley sees MJ-12 as a Hoax
* VICKI.ZIP Editorial from Vicki Cooper of UFO Mag
* PARANOIA.ZIP Editorial by Clark from JAN/FEB 89 IUR
* ASIMOV.THD Msg thread of Asimov's view on UFOs
* PRESREL.ZIP More 'Reagan-alien' excerpts
* SPACINV.UFO AP: Reagan with 'alien' remark - MAY/88
* REGANUFO.ZIP President Reagan's CE-I (?) - UFO Mag
* STRIEBER.UFO AP: What angers Whitley Streiber...
* CSICOP.ZIP Science vs Fringe Science APR/87 -Sagan
* FATIMEDJ.ZIP Link betweeen Fatima secret and UFOs?
* WHATSUP.DOC Are 'THEY' the biblical 'Watchers'?
* PSIUFO.ZIP Psychics on UFOs
* NAZIUFO.ZIP Link between Secret Societies & UFOs?
* JWHITE.UFO UFO Coverup -from religious perspective
* WHITE.FTN Footnote to J. White's 'ETs Among Us'
* STEINMAN.ZIP The UFO Situation - W.M Steinman
* CO0419.CIS Conference on assorted subjects
* GREENCO.CIS Conference with author Barry Greenwood
* TORME.CO Conference with Tracy Torme - SEP/88
* TORME2.CO Conference #2 with Tracy Torme - OCT/88
* CO313.CIS Conference on various UFO subjects
* GOLDSR.UFO Goldwater denied access to Hangar 18
* AIRSPACE.ZIP 'When Pilots See UFOs' - CSICOP
* CHIP.UFO Article on now debunked 'chip' implant
* HOAX.UFO UFO prankster in Lake City, Minnesota
* CSICOP.CON Agenda for NOV/88 CISCOP Convention
* MEIER.ZIP Article on How to Debunk Anything
* RELEASE1.UFO U.S. Govt & UFOs - Bill Moore APR/87
* MJ12DOC1.UFO Moore/Friedman/Shandera release MJ-12
* MJ12DOC2.UFO MJ-12 Briefing document - lists MJ-12
* MJ12DOC3.UFO MJ-12 Letter to Forrestal from Truman
* MJ12DOC4.UFO MJ-12 Cutler to Twining Memorandum
* MJ12DOC5.UFO Truman's schedule on July 16, 1954
* MJ12DOC6.UFO National Archives responds to MJ-12
* MJ12QA.DOC Info on Roswell and MJ-12 material
* MJ12TEAM.UFO Background on Moore/Shandera/Friedman
* MJ12STF.UFO Friedman rebuts CISCOP MJ-12 analysis
* MJ12REAX.SR More on Friedman's rebut of CISCOP
* FRIEDOS.DOC Friedman with background on MJ-12
* MOORE.SR Is the 'Big Breakthrough' coming?
* BREAK1.UFO Research update by W.L. Moore - APR/88
* MOORELET.ZIP Open Letter from Bill Moore - DEC/88
* AQUACONF.SR Project Aquarius UFO related - NSA
* AQUAMEMO.DOC Air Force responds to FOIA request
* AQUAQUES.UFO 'Questions on Aquarius' by C. Lambright
* AQUATV.DOC FOIA responds to TV station on request
* FRYAQUA.DOC AFOSI denies info on Project Aquarius
* GLENAQUA.DOC NSA responds to John Glenn on UFO info
* LEAR.ZIP John Lear's UFO Coverup theory
* LEARBIO.UFO Background information on John Lear
* LEARCAL.UFO Article on John Lear from UFO Magazine
* LEARCIS.THD Thread on CIS involving John Lear
* LEARFLM.UFO Analysis of Lear's TV videotapes
* LEAR.THD Thread on MRI and on Lear's Hypothesis
* JSLEAR.REP Response to John Lear's 'Hypothesis'
* LEARDANW.UFO Lear responds to MUFON Deputy Director
* WPLEAR.ZIP Lear Jet designer believed in UFOs
* LANGRES.ZIP Brad Langton with response to Lear
* LANG2.ZIP Langton responds again to John Lear
* MICKUS1.RES Comparison between Lear & Andrews texts
* LEAR.REP Rick Dell'aquila responds to J. Lear
* GREYS.ZIP Reaction to Lear claims from M. Macleod
* KRILL1.UFO EBE Overview - Cattle Mutilations
* KRILL2.UFO Do we have Alien Technology?
* KRILL3.UFO The infamous Men-In-Black (MIB)
* KRILL4.UFO Does Reagan know something we don't?
* UFOMANIA.ZIP ARCed version of the Krill files
* KRLLORIG.UFO The origin of 'Krill' by Bill Cooper
* HOROWITZ.ZIP David Horrowitz held at gunpoint
* VEGASEBE.ZIP Nevada U.S.- Alien Facility Brief
* MATRIX.ZIP Listing of content of 'The Matrix'
* PICNIC2.DOC A 'not-to-be-released' file from Cooper
* GUIDANCE.DOC A 'not-to-be-released' file from Cooper
* MUGGER.DOC A 'not-to-be-released' file from Cooper
* TIRU1.UFO Cooper sees UFO sighting from submarine
* FEDEX1.DOC Correspondence to Cooper from Lear
* FEDEX2.DOC Correspondence between Cooper & Lear
* FEDEX3.DOC Bill English and Grudge Report #13
* FEDEX4.DOC Project Excalibur - SEP/88
* FEDEX4B.DOC Corrected ver. of Project Excalibur txt
* FEDEX5.DOC The Sarbacher-Steinman letter - NOV/83
* FEDEX6.DOC Vietnam UFO sighting - 1968
* FEDEX7.DOC Letter on Project Pluto - JUN/87
* FEDEX8.DOC Project Redlight letter to Stringfield
* THISISIT.UFO List of Projects under MAJESTIC-12
* TOALL.DOC Bill Cooper's relationship with J. Lear
* MAJIC2.ZIP Bill Cooper gives an explanation
* MAJIC3.ZIP 'Roberts Story' from Bill Cooper
* MAJIC7.ZIP Bill Coopers reasons for going public
* MAJIC8.ZIP Supporting info for Cooper claims
* MJ12.DOC Bill Cooper's *Final* file on MJ-12 etc
* OFFPUB.INF Henry Swerdloff backs up Bill Cooper
* RUMINATE.ZIP B. Langton speaks on Cooper material
* LEARCOOP.THD Speiser gives opinion of Lear-Cooper
* SWAN.ZIP Swan attests to some of Cooper's claims
* INDICT.ZIP Lear-Cooper letter to U.S. Govt
* HOPKIN.CO Conference with researcher Budd Hopkins
* HYPNOLTR.AST Response to CSICOP 'fantasy-prone' per.
* HOPREPLY.UFO Budd Hopkins replies again to Klass
* HOPKINS.REP Budd Hopkins with update on implants
* IMPLANT.REP Article on MRI decries sci. ignorance
* ABDUCTEE.UFO AP: Abduction experiences on the rise
* CHRIS.CO Conference with abductee Chris Young
* COYNE.ZIP Conference with abductee Shirley Coyne
* ETHYPE.UFO CBC: Transcript of 'The ET Hypothesis'
* UFOGIRLS.ZIP Abuductees rack up 'freq. flyer miles'
* EXPMJ12.ZIP What about our 'human rights'?
* HOWE.THD Linda Howe speaks on Cattle Mutilations
* COWBLOOD.THD Cowsblood interchangeable with human?
* MUTILATE.ZIP Rancher hit with Cattle mutes - JAN/89
* HUMMUTE.ZIP 'Human Mutilation Factor' by Don Ecker
* MUT.ZIP Cattle Mutes hypothesis by Brad Steiger
* VESCO.ZIP Vesco & German UFO Research - Al Pinto
* CYBORG.UFO Cybernetics and UFO's by Al Pinto
* ORIGIN.UFO Earth Origin Theory of UFOs - Al Pinto
* RORVIK.ZIP David Rorvik on Cyborgs - by Al Pinto
* THEORY.ZIP The Hollow Earth theory - Omni OCT/83
* WHATARE.UFO UFOs - Alien or Man-made? by Al Pinto
* INSD1287.ASC Inside UFOlogy - DEC/87
* INSD0188.ASC Inside UFOlogy - JAN/88
* INSD0288.ASC Inside UFOlogy - FEB/88
* INSD0388.ASC Inside UFOlogy - MAR/88
* INSD0588.ASC Inside UFOlogy - MAY/88
* INSD0688.ASC Inside UFOlogy - JUN/88
* INSD0788.ASC Inside UFOlogy - JUL/88
* INSD0888.ASC Inside UFOlogy - AUG/88
* INSD0988.ASC Inside UFOlogy - SEP/88
* INSD0189.ASC Inside UFOlogy - JAN/89
* INSD0289.ASC Inside UFOlogy - FEB/89
* PBBADD01.PBB Bill Pitts with 'New Project Bluebook'
* PITTS.PBB Pitts explains purpose of N.P. Bluebook
* BLUEBOOK.ZIP Info on the New Project Bluebook
* WARNING.PBB Cooper with 'warning' on N.P. Bluebook
* SPOOK.UFO Talk with a former Intelligence Member
* DOTYDATA.UFO Military record of Richard C. Doty
* ACRONYMS.ZIP List of govt/military acronyms - CUFON
* AETHER.ZIP Aetherius Society wants Coverup exposed
* JMP.UFO Letter to President Reagan - DEC/87
* AFBBS.UFO Brief list of some 'USAF' BBSs
* AFR200-2.ZIP USAF regulation AFR-200-2 active AUG/54
* CLASSIC.UFO 1959 U.S. order referring to AFR 200-2
* CIRVIS.ZIP CIRVUS reporting - from JCS SEP/51
* NAVY.ZIP UFO reporting within the Navy - JUL/54
* USNAVY.GHO Ghost haunts U.S.S. Carrier Forrestal
* COASGARD.DOC U.S. Coastguard denies having UFO info
* COYCAN1.ZIP Kirtland AFB UFO sighting SEP-AUG/80 -1
* COYCAN2.ZIP Kirtland AFB UFO sighting AUG/80 - 2
* ENGLISH.NOT Bill English is still alive
* USAFCHAP.ZIP Chapter XIII of former USAF manual
* PROJ.BET 'Project Beta' by Dr. Paul Bennewitz -1
* PROGBET2.ZIP 'Project Beta' by Dr. Paul Bennewitz -2
* BETAQUES.UFO Questions on Bennewitz's Project Beta
* PROJBETA.UFO Expanded version of Project Beta info
* SDI&UFOS.ZIP Theories linking SDI with aliens
* LETUFO.ZIP Billie Goldston writes his Texas Gov.
* LETDIX.ZIP Ft. Dix UFO and body story claimed
* GLEASON.UFO Gleason & Nixon see bodies in 1973?
* AUH20INT.UFO Goldwater confirms Wright-Pat denial
* WPAT.ZIP References on Wright-Pat AFB from Good
* HANGER.THD Thread on Wright-Pat AFB Hangar-18
* ALIENS.ASC Article on aliens physical appearance
* REPTOIDS.ZIP Are we just a meat market for EBEs?
* GOODBOOK.ZIP REUTERS: Short '4 alien body' excerpt
* GUNGHO.UFO Alien Technology Center at Nellis AFB
* UFOPRESI.ZIP UK politician responds to Truman rumour
* HIDUFO.ZIP Sarbacher confirms UFO statements
* HOTTEL.UFO Letter to FBI about alien bodies - 1950
* STARS.ZIP List of closest 46 stars to our Sun
* SETI.ZIP Search on Extraterrestrial Intelligence
* MARSFACE.ZIP AP: Speculation around MarsFace -JUL/88
* MARSFACE.THD Another thread on Mars 'Sphinx Face'
* MARS.ZIP AP: Mars makes close approach in 1988
* MARSFACE.MSG Thread on 'Sphinx Face' on Mars
* MARSOB.VER The Mars Observer Project
* AP.ZIP Press release on Russian Mars Probe
* FEINMARS.UFO Info on Marsface from biz. newsletter
* FUSION.ZIP Data on Utah Fusion Experiment
* CSHOW5.ZIP IBM Program for viewing GIF pictures
* MARSFACE.ZIP 3 Pictures of the 'MarsFace'
* IMDISP.ZIP NASA Imaging program with pictures
* ABDUCT1.ZIP A UFO abduction! (ansi animation)
* S4B2.UFO NASA rep responds to UFO researcher
* SATURN5B.UFO Saturn Rocket tests in the 1960's
* SHIRL.ZIP The Coynes harrassed by black 'copters
* WARNINGS.UFO What to do when a UFO lands near You
* JASON60.ZIP 1973 Listing of 'Jason' Members
* WSSLET1.ZIP MAR/84 letter from Steinman to Friedman
* WSSLET2.ZIP MAY/84 letter from Steinman to Friedman
* DOTY.ZIP MAR/89 letter from Richard C. Doty
* WALKER1.ZIP E. A. Walker excerpt from 'Who's Who'
* STFLET1.ZIP MAY/84 letter from Friedman to Steinman
* TODDLET1.ZIP R. Todd w/speculation on Cooper, MJ-12
* INDICT1.ASC Revised INDICT txt sent to Govt 4/26/89
* SWAN1.ASC R. Swan letter to Linda Howe 4/5/89
* MARYS.UFO Mary Geest's UFO encounter in SC
* 1947.SIT Statistical Chart, by States, For June and July, 1947
* 2MUCH.UFO From: The World's Greatest UFO Mysteries by Nigel Blundell & Roger Boar. Published by Berkely Books.1989 Scientists who knew too much?
* 3-19DISC.ZIP 'Houston, this is Discovery. We still have the alien space craft, uhh, under observance.' The transmission was picked up on a Radio Shack scanner tuned to 147.45 mhz.
* ABDUCT4.UFO 'Psychic fair probing UFO calling cards'
* ABDUCT7.UFO HYPNOSIS OF IMAGINARY UFO 'ABDUCTEES' (Abstract and Introduction only) by Alvin H. Lawson
* ALIENS01.ASC SATAN & THE LITTLE GREEN MEN!! - The Connection Exposed! By Val Dobson
* ARCHIVES.UFO UFO Source Info - Canadian Govt Archives
* ARNPRIOR.ZIP UFO encounter near Ottawa, Canada - AUG/1979
* BIBLE3.UFO It sounds to me a lot like the things written in the bible were based on alien/ufo influences during that time.
* DEMONS.UFO Demons and UFO's
* FENWICK.ZIP Exclusive : The Mickus/ Fenwick Interview
* HOAGLAND.LET Marsface author writes Pravda -DEC/89
* HUBBARD.UFO Here's a little factual excerpt from the file GREYS, about the weirdos started up by L.Ron Hubbard, who spend $30,000 apiece to get 'clear'.
* JACOBS1.MSG I would estimate that %99.99 of all abductees are unawares of what has happened to them.
* LANG2.RES I have interviewed Mr. Lear and while I have many questions regarding the nature of his material, I'm willing to give him a chance to present his case.
* LAZAR3.ZIP Today's Topics: George Knapp Interview/Lazar
* LAZAR4.ZIP Blue Book Expungement
* LAZAR5.ZIP KVEG/Lazar Transcript #5
* LAZAR6.ZIP And the candle: Does it melt and the flame stand still in this DISK that you're talking about?
* LAZAR7.ZIP Harder Transcript (Lazar) Reply to 'Skeptical Inquirer' - MJ-12 New Affiliate
* LAZAR8.ZIP On the Record, KLAS-TV, Las Vegas, Nevada, 12/9/89, 7:00 p.m.- 7:30 p.m. George Knapp, producer/host Robert Lazar, guest
* MAITREYA.UFO False Alien Invasion
* MTHLY2.DOC ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!! by William S. English
* QUOTES.UFO 'There's a very good chance that this year they're [the aliens] going to say 'hello'.' John Schuessler, Deputy Director of MUFON, 1979
* ROBSDOC.1 HI! My name is Robin Gober and this is a collection of files that I have writien about my interaction with the Phenomena.
* SETI-UN.ZIP After more than 30 years of listening to radio waves from outer space for greetings from an alien civilization, scientists are planning to turn to the United Nations for guidance on how
* SNUFORS5.ASC SNUFORS NEWS - Volume 1 - Issue #5 - 1990
* UFO.KGB 1914 Soviet sighting.
* UFO2.ASC UFO's and the End of the World commentary by Jerry W. Decker
* UFOBIBLE.ZIP The prophet Ezekiel's 'vision', recorded in the Bible, is thought by some to be of a UFO sighting.
* UNETDIR.ASC Directory Listing of [[UFONET]] Computer Bulletin Board Systems
* VISIT.UFO Interaction with the aliens can unfortunately or fortunately (depends on the experiences) be a lifetime relationship.
* YOUABD.ZIP Space aliens often erase the memories of people they abduct.
* BEA$T.MRK ALL Christians are PROHIBITED by Revelation 14:9-11 from cooperating with the 'MARK-OF-THE-BEA$T' bar-code, OCR- number, and magnetic-strip scanning systems, (as found in local libraries
* OH-CRAP.UFO Seeing An Alien Space Craft.


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